If you are a homeowner or business owner who has a septic system on your property, it is a matter of high importance to regularly maintain your septic system. This not only increases the longevity of your septic system, but it can also avoid the need for expensive repairs. Regular septic tank maintenance ensures that waste and water is being removed from your home and will not backup or cause a leak somewhere in the yard.

Septic Tanks are built to last for decades, but only if a homeowner is diligent about keeping up with regular maintenance. The most common form of maintenance that homeowners can do without too much effort is to buy products designed to help grow and maintain healthy bacteria in the tank itself. This bacteria helps break down waste and avoid a clog or backup. These types of products are typically designed to be flushed down your toilet once a month.

Apart from monthly maintenance, individuals are going to have to make sure to call septic professionals to come out and pump their septic tank. While septic tanks are very good at limiting the amount of waste from your home, there is still going to be a degree of build up that needs to be addressed. When it comes to maintenance and septic tank pumping, a homeowner should consider getting an inspection of their system and having it pumped about every two to five years, depending on different factors such as how many people are living in the home.

These two actions will go a long way into making sure your septic system is running perfectly for many years to come, but there are still some other smaller maintenance issues to consider. If a homeowner can limit the amount of solids and waste water coming from their home, this will help maintain their septic system. Also take notice of how much food and solids is going down your garbage disposal, as this will also be sent to the septic tank. Additionally, be careful of the typ4es of cleaning products that are used, as they can kill healthy bacteria.